Stay Connected

Meet the WUSC Student Selection and Support Team! The Student Selection and Support Team handles everything related to resettlement of SRP students. This includes recruiting, conducting interviews, supporting SRP students through interviews, and preparing them for their life in Canada.

Sara Kuwatly

Program Officer, Student Refugee Program |

Sara is an SRP alumna who arrived in Canada in 2016. Sara has been a member of the SRP team since 2022 and oversees SRP student support and alumni engagement. She is the primary contact for SRP students after arrival. 

Abdullah Olewi

Senior Program Officer, Student Refugee Program | 

Abdullah is an SRP alumnus who arrived in Canada in 2017. Abdullah has been a member of the SRP team since 2022 and oversees the FIN-YESS initiative and alumni engagement. 

Gareth Charpentier

Senior Program Officer, Student Refugee Program | 

Gareth has been a member of the SRP team since 2019 and oversees SRP programming for the French and English cohorts in Uganda. 

Warsame Warsame

Senior Program Officer, Student Refugee Program  | 

Warsame has been a member of the SRP team since 2018 and oversees SRP programming for Kenya, Lebanon, and Jordan. 

Christine Mylks

Manager, Overseas Programming, Durable Solutions for Refugees | 

Christine is the manager of overseas programming for WUSC’s Durable Solutions programming (SRP and HIRES). She has worked at WUSC since 2018. She oversees SRP student selection in the various countries of asylum and manages SRP alumni engagement.